Static Caravan Repairs To Walls
Wall boards and papering
We will repair any static caravan with damage to the timber frame work, fit new wall boards with matching trims. Most recent papers are still available, however, if a wall covering is unavailable, we have a wide variety of alternative wall boards and papers from which our customers can choose. All static caravans are boarded with a 4ft/1220mm wide decorated ply board. We also redecorate full rooms and move or remove walls. Please visit our gallery, to see some of the caravan repairs we have completed.
Decorative wall panels have been the core of caravan industry for the last five decades. In this time, we have become the industry experts in every type of repair and renovation. We can offer our customers an extensive range of decorative wall panels and paper-backed vinyl, with a variety of surface finishes, These provide a fully wipeable finish making it easy to maintain, meeting almost any design need.
Park Home Damage to Walls
Wall Boards and papering
We will repair any damaged timber frame work if required and fit new wall boards. Park home walls often are constructed with 4ft wide wall boards and household wallpaper, which is available in 2ft wide rolls, are mainly used. We can also move or remove walls completely resulting in the exact lay out required to suit your requirements.

Ceiling boards replaced
Ceiling boards damage is often due to a roof leak, a cracked skylight is often the cause of this type of damage. We will fit new skylights, if required, or find the the source of the leak and reseal. Premium sealants are used on all roof repairs. We replace any affected ceiling boards for new. Wet insulation is removed and new is fitted.
Delaminated and rippled ceiling boards also replaced.